Ui Heart Accent White@2x

What We Fund

Building stronger families and communities

Our philanthropic work predominantly supports the improvement of outcomes for young people in need. At a local level, we back our Members to support the causes they care about.

Wwfi Flagship Grants@2x

Strategic Partnerships

We partner with charities and organisations who operate in Queensland and Papua New Guinea that tackle social issues to achieve life-changing outcomes for people in need.  Our focus is on ensuring Queensland’s most at-risk young people have the outcomes they need to thrive in adult life. 

Di Community Fund@2x

Matched Giving

At a local level, we work closely with Freemason Lodges throughout Queensland and in Papua New Guinea to identify areas of need, and support causes that have the potential to make an important difference in their community. Freemason Lodges can apply to Hand Heart Pocket for Matched Giving on behalf of their local, nominated charity. Freemason Lodges can log into the member-only area to access all the information and forms they need to make an application

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Hardship Assistance

Our Hardship Assistance program brings the right people together around the table to support families and individuals to get back on their feet. We do this by partnering with UnitingCare’s financial counselling service to support Queenslanders who have fallen on hard times.

Di Benevolent Fund@2x

Disaster relief and disaster preparedness

When a natural disaster strikes in Queensland, we will make a special donation to that community on behalf of the Freemasons of Queensland, through our partner GIVIT.  We also partner with the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR) who deliver disaster preparedness support to local community organsiations.

Pwuico Cta Enquiry

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News & Publications

PublicationsNet Assets

Our Net Assets

Our investment strategy delivered exceptional results this year, returning 11.31% on the investment of our cash and financial assets. This allowed us to retain $14.44 milion in total income after giving and expenses. These results significantly exceed our target return benchmark of inflation plus 4.5%, further strengthening our financial position so we can continue to […]
News24 08 28 Youth Insearch Case Study

Jamaal finds his voice to lead the way

Having the love and support of our family and friends are two things that all young people need to have in life. It’s something that Jamaal tries to impart every time he is around young people through his role as a Youth Insearch Leader and Support Worker. A young Indigenous man, Jamaal knows what it […]

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