Our disaster relief donation for flood-affected North-West Queenslanders and ways you can give too

23 03 16 Latest News Disaster Relief

On behalf of the Freemasons of Queensland, Hand Heart Pocket is donating $15,000 to GIVIT, our disaster relief partner, to support people impacted by floods in North-West Queensland.

Over the past week we have been working closely with GIVIT to understand the level of need and how our support can best help those affected across Burke Shire and Boulia Shire.

Currently, many are still in emergency accommodation in Mt Isa and Normanton, having arrived a week ago, when they were evacuated, with just the clothes on their backs and a small carry bag. Imagine being in their shoes right now.

As floodwaters continue to recede over the coming weeks, these residents will make the heartbreaking journey home to pick up the pieces.

The Freemasons of Queensland have always been quick to lend a hand when natural disasters have impacted Queensland communities. Our partnership with GIVIT is supporting communities right now who are in need. If you can, please donate to the Hand Heart Pocket Disaster Relief Appeal.

100% of this donation will go directly to people affected by this natural disaster through trusted local community organisations. These efforts will be coordinated by our partner GIVIT. Partnering with them means we can respond quickly on behalf of our Members no matter when or where disasters occur across Queensland.

The funds you donate today will help GIVIT and local community organisations to provide vouchers for those affected, to address immediate needs, like food and clothing.

Ways to donate, if you can

Online – Hand Heart Pocket Disaster Relief Appeal

You can now donate directly to our Disaster Relief Appeal via the GIVIT website using this link: https://www.givit.org.au/appeals/givit-together/hand-heart-pocket-disaster-relief-appeal

Here you can view a list of what’s needed right now. GIVIT compiles this list based on what flood-affected residents are requesting from local community organisations. The list changes as requests are filled and as new needs are identified. From this list you can choose what items to ‘fund’, from $20 vouchers to more expensive items. Remember to include the reference HHP or the number 23 when making the donation.

If you choose to give physical items through GIVIT you need to ensure you can drop off or post your physical donation, unfortunately HHP cannot assist you with this. Financial donations are often easier, so please consider choosing to fund an item and click on the blue ‘fund’ icon.

Direct Deposit or Bank Transfer

Donate via internet banking or go to your local Westpac branch and deposit a donation into  GIVIT’s bank account using the details below. Remember to include the reference HHP or the number 23 when making the donation.

Account Name: GIVIT Listed Ltd

BSB: 034 064

Account Number: 293 485

Reference: HHP or the number 23

Please send GIVIT an email at info@givit.org.au to request a tax receipt.



Cheques can be made out to: GIVIT Listed Ltd

Please include the reference HHP or the number 23 on the back of the cheque.

Then post the cheque to:

GIVIT Listed Ltd
PO Box 1080
Milton QLD 4064


Do you know someone impacted by this weather event?

Please encourage anyone you know who is impacted to seek support through their local community organisations that will be equipped to get them the assistance they need.

Is your community prepared?  Are your local community organisations registered with GIVIT?

Don’t wait till disaster strikes. If your local community organisation is not registered with GIVIT, encourage them to do so quickly so that donations can flow through to people in your community when they need it. Registration is free through www.givit.org.au/need-help. Please contact the HHP team if we can assist you to get your local community organisations registered to receive donations through GIVIT.


GIVIT is a non-profit organisation that connects donors with community organisations to make sure people and communities get exactly what they need, when they need it – whether they need immediate relief or longer term recovery from a disaster event.



Q: During this disaster can I get Dollars 4 Dollars for my local community organisation?

A: Our disaster relief partnership with GIVIT is designed to provide immediate assistance to people who need it most. When a disaster strikes in Queensland, we will make a special specific donation to that community on behalf of the Freemasons of Queensland through GIVIT. So there is no need for Lodges to raise funds to be matched through Dollars 4 Dollars. To ensure your local community can benefit through GIVIT, get your local community organisation to register in advance with GIVIT. It’s free to register through www.givit.org.au/need-help.

Q: Can we donate as a Lodge? 

A: Yes. If you are able to financially support GIVIT’s disaster relief efforts, you can join our relief efforts with GIVIT and donate. Remember to use the HHP reference when donating, either individually or as a Lodge.

Q:   Can I make a donation over the phone?

A: GIVIT only provides an online platform. You can also deposit a donation to GIVIT at your local Westpac branch using the direct deposit details listed above. If you need assistance to donate to GIVIT, please reach out to HHP’s team on info@handheartpocket.org.au or by phoning 3493 6000.



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