Helping young men make strides with their mental health

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Getting together for a BBQ or even kicking a ball around with mates is helping to break down the stigma for young men seeking mental health support.

The Mates Space program run by the non-profit organisation for youth mental health, headspace Woolloongabba recently received a $8,400 boost from the local Freemasons, so that more young men feel supported to seek help.

According to headspace Woolloongabba, there is an unwillingness among young men to ask for help, with only 28% of those accessing their service being male. The Mates Space program creates an environment where young men aged 12-25 can socialise and have fun while being able to share their experiences and recognise that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.

North Australian Lodge representative Marcel Poualion said the Lodge was proud to raise funds for such a worthy cause.

“The pandemic and now rising prices means hardship in our community is getting worse. Frontline charities need our help to reach those most in need,” Mr Poualion said.

“Being a fraternity, we know the importance of working on yourself and so this program really spoke to us.”

North Australian Lodge organised a fundraiser, a recital of Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons in the Grand Hall of the Masonic Memorial Centre in Brisbane to raise the funds.

“We would like to thank all those that came along to support us. Without your generosity we could not have made this donation to headspace Woolloongabba.”

Hand Heart Pocket Chief Executive Officer Sara Parrott said Freemasons of Queensland are making positive impacts in local communities across the State.

“We work in partnership with our Members to support the causes they care about most in their community, by matching their giving,” Ms Parrott said.

“Helping young men see that looking after your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of is very much needed right now given the economic situation we’re facing as a community, so we thank North Australian Lodge for identifying this issue and getting behind headspace Woolloongabba,”

“By matching the Lodge’s giving, we are maximising the impact of their community work,” she said.

Photo: Representatives of North Australian Freemasons Lodge presented a cheque for $8,400 to headspace Woolloongabba.

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